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Photographing Exactly Seven

Updated on June 23, 2014
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Photographing exactly seven is one in a long list of photographic projects that anyone can do by simply looking for random sets that equal the number that you have chosen to represent in your photographs.

This particular one will focus on seven things all in one photograph. Keep in mind that 7 is a random number. You can do any number .

The subjects do not have to be of the same kind like 7 feathers from the same bird or 7 marbles. The theme is to capture 7 things or subjects in one photo. In actuality, the theme works better if the 7 things are all different.

A scene with 7 flowers of the same kind and color looks like many other photographs of flowers, there is nothing that tells the viewer what the theme is about. However if you feature 7 different flowers then it is that much easier for the photographer to transmit the theme to an audience.

One good technique is to have at least one of the subjects wear something with your chosen number, like the number 7, somewhere in their clothing and have this person be facing the camera in a way that is completely different from the rest.

For example your group will be facing the camera while the one with the number will be facing away from it. This makes the viewer's eye quickly focus on it and makes them connect the dots and realize that the theme is about a group of 7.

You can call this theme by different names an knowing various words used to represent a number helps. the number seven can also be said to be "A septet is a formation containing exactly seven members.

It is commonly associated with musical groups, but can be applied to any situation where seven similar or related objects are considered a single unit, such as a seven-line stanza of poetry."Wikipedia.

Bottom line, pick a number that you believe will work for you and have fun looking for situations where they can be captured together and made into a photograph. Keep in mind that the higher the number the more difficult the project becomes, unless of course all of your shots are staged.

When in the hunt for subjects do not overlook the mundane and close at hand. Your home for example may be full of suitable samples and looking around the house will often yield several scenes to fit into the theme.

Simple enough but it can pose some problems since it is often difficult to find 7 things that are close enough to each other to make a worthwhile picture. The reality is that a lot of the times you are going to have to arrange the scene; in other words set the set up.

Do not leave everything to chance. If you locate a suitable arrangement of subjects like a lovely bunch of flowers at your local garden or flower shop and there are more than seven in the group, then use your lens cropping ability to compose the scene to fit the theme.

The same cropping can also be done with any other found subject but should not be necessary for studio shots. If you are unable to crop on the spot, then any digital program will let you do so very easily.

For presentation themes one of the best methods is to show several 7 subject photographs arranged much like a thumbnail but any one image works well by itself so long as it adheres to the theme and it is clear to a viewer.

It helps the theme if your thumbnail images surround a photograph of the number that composes the theme much like the first image in this post.

Try different approaches and various techniques to see which ones work better for you. Do not settle just for locating 7 subjects and taking a photograph.

Try to be as creative as you can just the same as you should be with any other photography project where your reputation as such can grow or suffer.

Are there variations to this theme? Like most photography projects there are always variations.

The key is to apply your creativity and find new ways of photographing a tried and tested theme.

The angle, the perspective, the lighting, even how the subjects are arranged can offer the photographer variations.

With most subjects the variations are few, but with people as your subjects the scene changes.

Since no two individuals are the same, barring twins of course, a simple arrangement of the subjects can offer an unlimited array of variations.

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Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) | Source

© 2013 Luis E Gonzalez


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